The Trust Members oversee the work of the Directors and appoint Directors when a vacancy arises. However, they have no direct role in the running of the Trust.
The Board of Directors is All Saints’ decision-making body and is accountable and responsible for all All Saints academies. They support the Chief Executive Officer and hold her to account for the Trust’s work. Much of the Board’s work is conducted through committees, as shown in the diagram.
Each academy in the Trust has a Local Academy Council (‘LAC’). Each LAC oversees what happens in their academy, supporting the Headteacher (and other leaders within the academy) and holding them to account.
The names of the people who serve on these various bodies, their attendance records and a register of their interests, can be found under our Statutory Information section here.
A document called the Scheme of Delegation sets out at what level decisions are made. For example, term dates are set by the Board of Directors, but each school’s Admissions Policy is decided by the Local Academy Council (even though it is the Trust that is legally the Admissions Authority for each school).