At All Saints Multi Academy Trust, we understand that every academy is different and that every academy is at a different point in its journey to excellence. Our highly-qualified and experienced executive and central teams will work with leaders, directors, and governors to assess every aspect of need and form a complete picture of how we can best support you.

The executive and central teams provide the background operations and ensure they benefit and meet the needs of all the academies. By centralising the key services, All Saints Multi Academy Trust can not only realise benefits in terms of economies of scale but also free up the headteachers’ capacity to focus on academy improvement.

Our core offer will then be tailored to your academy’s needs, to create an individual package of support and improvement. The central contributions from all academies contribute to the following wide range of services, in addition to the services detailed the Academies will receive monthly updates from the chief executive officer.

Find out more about our Trust

If you would like to find out more about what it is like to become a school within our Trust, we would encourage you to talk to our CEO. Please contact us by email or by phone if you would like us to arrange this or complete the enquiry form below.
