Stronger Together for the Common Good

Our Vision

All Saints Multi Academy Trusts’ vision is inspired by the ecumenical work of Bishop David Sheppard and Archbishop Derek Worlock in Liverpool in the 1980’s which focussed on breaking down barriers that may stand in the way of progression, but that ultimately communities and groups are ‘stronger together’. Our aim is to create a Multi Academy Trust of exceptional and distinctive Christian schools which deliver outstanding education and learning, who share best practice to raise standards and build aspiration for the children and members of its community, maintaining the positive diversity and choice for parents.

‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks they should do as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides’ 1 Peter 4:10-11

Community is at the heart of our academies. Together we challenge social inequality and enhance social mobility, as our partnerships of schools act as the springboard from which ambition is cultivated and our students thrive.
This vision will be achieved through the Trust’s commitment, to the following values:


Our Values


Our Academies are places where knowledge is shared, interests are ignited, and successes celebrated. Every member of our community will recognise and embrace what they can achieve and realise that no door is closed for their future.


We ensure that everyone is valued for being who they are. Embracing different cultures, perspectives, ways of thinking and beliefs, has, after all, made our city stronger, and we will ensure that our Academies build on this rich tradition.


With a willing heart, we show God’s love to support those around us – we act as one to put our communities first. Undoubtedly, we are better together.