Statutory Information

This page is updated on a quarterly basis.

Registered name

All Saints Multi Academy Trust is the operating name for The Liverpool Joint Catholic and Church of England Academies Trust.

Company Number


Registered address

All Saints Multi Academy Trust
51 Horrocks Avenue
L19 5NY

Registered in

England and Wales

Trust Structure

A summary can be found here.  Detailed terms of reference for each group can be found in our Scheme of Delegation, available here.

Trust People

The following tables indicate who has served on each group within the Trust’s Governance structure from 01.09.22 to 31.12.23.

Key (for attendance at meetings):

P        Attended meeting
Apol  Did not attend meeting and sent apologies, which were accepted
×        Did not attend the meeting and either (a) did not send apologies, or (b) sent apologies, which were not accepted
N/A   Was not a member of the group when the meeting took place

Members of All Saints Multi Academy Trust

Name Appointed by Date of appointment Date office ends (/ended) Attendance at meetings 14.12.22 Attendance at meetings 30.03.23
Stuart Harrison The Church of England Diocesan Bishop 15.06.20 15.06.24 P P
Joan McCarthy The Catholic Diocesan Bishop 01.01.22 01.01.26 P P
Mike McGurk The Church of England Diocesan Bishop   30.06.23 Apol ×
Jude Padfield The Church of England Diocesan Bishop 30.06.23 30.06.27 N/A N/A
Anne Pontifex The Catholic Diocesan Bishop 01.05.21 30.04.25 P Apol
Stuart Harrison and Joan McCarthy are chairs of the Members of the Academy Trust. Meetings are chaired by each on an alternating basis.

All Saints Board of Directors

Name Role Type of director Date of initial appointment Date current term of office ends (/ended) Attendance at meetings 21.09.22 Attendance at meetings 08.12.22 Attendance at meetings 23.03.23 Attendance at meetings 05.07.23 Attendance at meetings 21.09.23 Attendance at meetings 06.12.23
Eno Akinyande   Co-opted 21.06.23 20.06.24 N/A N/A N/A Apol P P
Linda Coady Foundation 01.03.24 29.02.28 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Paul Cronin   Foundation 17.07.22 16.07.26 P Apol Apol P Apol P
Sue Cronin   Foundation 21.06.23 20.06.27 N/A N/A N/A P P P
Stewart Crowe   Foundation 04.09.23 03.09.27 N/A N/A N/A N/A P Apol
Sharyn Duffy   Foundation 01.01.23 P P N/A N/A N/A N/A
Matt Elliott Chair Foundation 19.10.15 18.10.25 Apol P P Apol P P
Jane Griffiths   Foundation 21.06.21 20.06.25 Apol Apol P Apol Apol Apol
Stuart Haynes Vice-Chair Foundation 14.09.20 13.09.24 P P P P P Apol
Angie Holden   Foundation 01.06.21 31.05.25 P P Apol P P P
Elaine Rees   Co-opted 01.01.22 31.12.25 P P P P Apol P

All Saints Board of Directors: Finance and Business Committee

Name Role Attendance at meetings 19.01.23 Attendance at meetings 02.03.23 Attendance at meetings 26.04.23 Attendance at meetings 15.06.23 Attendance at meetings 13.09.23 Attendance at meetings 15.11.23
Eno Akinyande   N/A N/A N/A N/A P P
Paul Cronin   P P P P P P
Stewart Crowe   N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Matt Elliott   P P P P P P
Stuart Haynes Chair P P P P P P

All Saints Board of Directors: Remuneration Committee

Name Role Attendance at meetings 02.03.23 Attendance at meetings 15.06.23 Attendance at meetings 15.11.23
Stewart Crowe   P P P
Matt Elliott   P P P
Angie Holden Chair P Apol P

All Saints Board of Directors: Education and Standards Committee

Name Role Attendance at meetings 01.12.22 Attendance at meetings 29.06.23 Attendance at meetings 27.09.23
Eddie Boyes Co-opted P P P
Sue Cronin   N/A N/A
Sharyn Duffy   Apol N/A N/A
Matt Elliott   P × Apol
Jane Griffiths Chair P P P

All Saints Board of Directors: Safeguarding Committee

Name Role Attendance 04.10.23
Sue Cronin   P
Angie Holden   P
James Kilburn Co-opted P
Elaine Rees Chair P

Register of interests

The interests of all those named above can be found here.

Trust accounts

The Trust’s accounts, which include the annual report, can be found using the links below:

01.09.21 to 31.08.22

01.09.22 to 31.08.23

Articles of association

These can be found here.

Master funding agreement

This can be found here.

Whistle-blowing policy and procedures

This can be found here.


All Saints Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for each of the academies in the Trust. It delegates:

– the determination of each academy’s Admissions Policy,
– operational decisions about admission to each Academy, and
– arrangements for admission appeals

to each Local Academy Council.

Information about admissions and admission appeals can therefore be found on each academy’s website:

  • Admissions information for The Academy of St Francis can be found here.
  • Admissions information for The Academy of St Nicholas can be found here.
  • Admissions information for All Saints Sixth Form College at St Nicholas can be found here.
  • Admissions information for Faith Primary Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for Hope Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for St Margaret’s Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for St Cleopas Primary Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for St Mary’s Catholic Infant Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for St Mary’s Catholic Junior Academy can be found here.
  • Admissions information for St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy can be found here.

Gender pay gap data

Our Trust is committed to paying staff a fair wage for their work, regardless of their gender.   Teachers and support staff in our Trust are paid on nationally-agreed pay scales.  In more detail:

In the year from 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2023, 66% of All Saints employees were female.

  • The median pay per hour for females was £17.55, and the mean pay per hour was £19.74.
  • Amongst male employees, the median pay per hour was £20.01, and the mean pay per hour was £22.83.

This means that the ‘gender pay gap’ is 13.6% (if measured using the mean), or 12.3% (if measured using the median).


  • Of the highest-paid quarter of All Saints’ employees (the ‘top quartile’), 69% were female.
  • Of the next highest-paid quarter of All Saints’ employees (the ‘upper middle quartile’), again 69% were female.
  • Of the next highest-paid quarter of All Saints’ employees (the ‘lower middle quartile’), 51% were female.
  • Of the lowest-paid quarter of All Saints’ employees (the ‘lower quartile’), 73% were female.

Trade Union Facility Time information

Period 01.09.22 to 31.08.23
Number of employees who were relevant union officials during this period (headcount) 1
Number of employees who were relevant union officials during this period (full-time equivalence) 0.3
Percentage of time spent on facility time Number of employees
0% 0
Between 1% and 50% 1
Between 51% and 99% 0
100% 0
Total cost of facility time £0
Total pay bill £11,749,000
Percentage of total pay bill spent on facility time 0%
Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours 0%

Information about employees whose benefits exceeded £100,000 in the year 01.09.22 to 31.08.23

‘Benefits’ include employees’ salaries and the employer’s pension contributions.

No employees benefitted from an off-payroll arrangement.

Level of benefits Number of employees
£100,001 to £110,000 2
£110,001 to £120,000 0
£120,001 to £130,000 1
£130,001 to £140,000 0
£140,001 to £150,000 0
£150,001 to £160,000 1
More than £160,000 0

The Trust Data Protection Officer is Stephen Brierley. All Freedom of Information and Subject Access requests must be sent to him via this e-mail address.