Statutory Policies

The latest list of statutory policies that Trusts must have can be found here.

Our Scheme of Delegation delegates some of these policies (listed below) to our schools.

  • Admissions
  • Behaviour
  • Careers: provider access policy statement (secondary schools only)
  • Equality objectives (the Trust also has equality objectives – see below)
  • Premises Management Policy
  • Relationships and sex education
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • School attendance
  • School exclusions
  • School uniform
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • Support for students with medical conditions

    The links below will take you to the relevant part of each school’s website, where the above policies may be found.

    The Academy of St Francis of Assisi
    The Academy of St Nicholas
    Faith Primary Academy
    Hope Academy
    St Cleopas Church of England Primary Academy
    St Margaret’s Church of England Academy
    St Mary’s Catholic Infant School
    St Mary’s Catholic Junior School
    St Teresa’s of Lisieux Catholic Primary School

    The remaining statutory policies are Trust policies, and can be downloaded here.

    Non-statutory policies

    We also have a suite of non-statutory policies.

  • HR policies: these are available to Trust staff through the HR channel in Teams.
  • Policy for Disruptive or Aggressive Parents